Dahlströms Fine Art

Auktionshusets profil

Dahlströms Fine Art

Kontakta Dahlströms Fine Art

Grönviksvägen 124
167 76 Bromma

+46 70 359 75 85


Aktuella auktioner


Bonifacio Veronese (1487-1553), after - Christ and the Scribes

Värdering: 6 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) , After - Jesus Crowned with Thorns

Värdering: 4 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Jacob Theunisz – Map of The Coasts of England Between the Two Points of Portland and Lizard / De Custen van Engelant Tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard - United Kingdom (1666)

Värdering: 4 000

Bud: 300 SEK


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L. M. Steinberger (1713–1772) - Planisphaerium Terrestre - Decorative Double Hemisphere Map of the World - Shows California as an island

Värdering: 8 000

Bud: 300 SEK


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Didier Robert de Vaugondy - Map of the World - Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, Pacific Islands, and partially mapped; Map of the World from the Best Authorities - 1751-1760

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Johann Georg Ditsch (1683–1754) - "A Figure with Dog in a Landscape" – Etching with Aquatint

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Conrad Gesner (1516-1565) - Hand-coloured Woodcut - Ornithology - Tachycineta bicolor - Tree Swallow

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Giocondo Albertolli (1742–1839) - Large Aquatint - Eagle with outstretched wings resting on an oak leaf cluster

Värdering: 6 000

Bud: 300 SEK


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David Herrliberger / Emanuel Büchel - Hand-coloured Engraving - View of Olsen - Aare River - Switzerland - 1754-1758

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656–1708) - Set of 3 Hand-coloured Botanical Engravings - Coral Reef / Seaweed

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 300 SEK


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Albertino Bernhard - Hand-signed Pencil Drawing - Seated Male Figures Study / Body Study

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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Albertino Bernhard - Ink Drawing - Study of Ornamental Design / Architectural Elements

Värdering: 2 000

Bud: 0 SEK


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